Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece was involved in the earliest beginnings of healing practices and the development of structure similar to hospitals. The Greeks provide a simpler basis of healthcare, with no strong influence of religion yet. Later on in time, throughout Europe, we will be able to see how this simple beginning of steadier hospitals evolved overtime, as Christianity developed.

It originated in 300 BC, when this first start of the idea of a hospital was created, even though they were not referred to as hospitals yet. It began to create the idea of what healthcare should include and establish the set ideas of how a hospital should be run, as we have it now.

Asklepion Healing Center

The Greek god, Asclepius, was said to have the abilities of bringing people back from the dead and became known as the representative for healing in medicine. His attributions of healing and dedication to healthcare gave rise to the Asklepion Healing Centers in Greece, that eventually spread to other countries, including Turkey. The two most famous of these complexes were located at Epidaurus in Greece and at the Pergamum in Turkey. They were named Asklepion, after the god, and healing practices were advocated in hopes of finding cures. It was the beginning of hospital healthcare that was based upon worshiping a god, which became more common in other areas of Europe when Christianity began.


The Asklepion centers were known for healing that was completed through dreams in order to find cures.  The patients spent the night in the center and engaged in a process called enkoimesis, which involved being advised by the gods during their sleep to understand what they needed to do to become healthy again. From these dreams, they would report back to the doctors, that had some knowledge regarding health, and they would then prescribe treatment necessary. The god, Asclepius, was the key to the healing process and it was significant that all believed in him. The patients stayed in cubicles, similar to hospital rooms that we have now, and the initial idea of hospitals was created here.

The process of enkoimesis is demonstrated, as the patient positioned in bed for dreaming.